How to View / Print Cost Status Report

Last Updated By Michael Croteau

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents

  • Click “Reports”
  • Click “Cost Status”
  • Click “Print Report” to review
  • Hover your mouse over “Print Report” to save as .pdf or MS Word
  • Click “Send To Customer” to email the report


Clear Estimates allows you to keep track of invoices and payments for any project you work on! From your Cost Status page, you can print a report to see where you are at payment / invoice wise for any particular project.

After you have created an invoice‍ , you can log Payment or Receipt‍  for those invoices.  Then, you can select “Print Report” from your cost status page to view a Cost Status breakdown.

Now, you will see a print out of everything you have invoiced for the project, what has been paid, and any outstanding balance.

How To:

To view your Cost Status report, head to Reports > Cost Status:

Then, select “Print Report“:

You will see a preview of your Cost Status Report:

If you want to save this report, hover your mouse over Print Report. You will see options to Print to PDF, or Save as MS Word:


To email the Cost Status report to your customer, click “Send To Customer“:

Next, you can edit the Subject and Body of your email by selecting the text boxes. When everything looks good, click Send:



And that’s it!

We hope this helps!

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