The Report Text Shortcuts

Last Updated By Michael Croteau

Updated at July 27th, 2024

When adjusting items in your Adjust Part tool, you may have noticed the grey “Insert” buttons: “Provide and Install”, “Quantity”, “Unit Type”, and “Part Description”. What are these? When should you use them?

You’ll see these buttons right below the text boxes for the “Preliminary Text”, “Formal Text” and “Subcontractor Text”. These text boxes are where you can customize what text shows up on each report for a particular part. 

For example, you can edit a part (say, for installing some tile flooring) and write in the text that you want to show up on each report (Preliminary, Formal, or Subcontractor).

This is a great way to customize those reports - The verbiage that describes each part can be different on each of your report options.

Back to the “Insert” buttons, why are they there? These are just shortcuts so you don’t have to type out some of the most commonly used words. Instead, just click the buttons and Clear Estimates will type it for you! Here is what each does:

"Provide and Install"

  • You can customize what the “Provide and Install” button prints in your Options Tool.


This will print the quantity of the part.

  • In the edit part window it will write “[qty]” - but when it prints on the report, it will print the actual quantity of that part instead of “[qty].”

  • Clear Estimates will always print the quantity that you input, so you can change the quantity without having to change the text!


This will print the unit type of the part:

  • “Square Feet of"
  • “Pieces of”

“Part Description”

The description from the "Description" box at the top.

  • It will print whatever is written in the “Description” text box
  • Even if it is a custom description.


One of the first parts in “09 Floor Framing” is “Install 2″ x 8″ single member beam

  • Its units are “linear feet”.

  • Clicking the “Insert” buttons right in a row will write the following into the text box:

Provide and install [qty] Lin. Feet of Install 2″ x 8″ single member beam

  • The “Install 2″ x 8″ single member beam” comes from the description box above when we click “Part Description

  • You can see that we have repeated “install” because it came from the “Provide and Install” and the “Part Description” so let’s clean it up to this:

Provide and install [qty] Lin. Feet of 2″ x 8″ single member beam

  • As an example, let’s say we have selected “100” as the quantity for this part.

    On the report, it will print off like this:

Provide and install 100 Lin. Feet of 2″ x 8″ single member beam

  • Even if we change the quantity in the project, when we look at a print preview of the report, the quantity will update to the new Quantity we set. 


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